Santisha Walker, MSN, RN, CWC

Santisha Walker is a Nurse Inspirationalist who empowers nurses to dream big and get about the business of acquiring their dreams. She is a firm believer in living outside of the box, as often times nurses are expected to only practice within the realm of society’s expectations. Being a Registered Nurse for 7 years, Santisha has had the privilege of gaining experience in various settings, such as cardiovascular, neurology, long term care, assisted living, and home care. Obtaining her MSN in Nursing Administration has afforded her the opportunity to operate as a nurse leader within healthcare organizations, as well as, her own companies, Walker Group Health & Wellness and Walker Group Nurse Staffing. Santisha is passionate about witnessing others win and believes life is meant to be experienced, not just lived. She sets her intentions to inspire with every interaction and portray empowerment within her work.

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