Black + Nursing

Being a black nurse within healthcare presents unique challenges and rewards.  Long gone are the days that our communities of color do not have trusted representation that will advocate for fair and equal treatment.


Nursing school actually teaches us several skills that can be transfered over into the business world.  Merging our nursing skills with the world of business proves to be an effective way for us to contribute to communities worldwide while advancing healthcare.   BNE grows, nutures and supports nurses who are change agents and leaders worldwide.


We provide our members with the best experiences.  Partnering with us provides you with valuable resources.


We provide the best networking opportunities that help you to stay accountable and inspired. 

launch your business

We provide the motivation and support to help you launch a successful business. 

business growth

We continuously share and connect you to new ways to scale your business for long-term growth. 

online connections

We help to connect you to the best resources through our social media platforms.

Alvionna Brewster, MSN-Ed, RN

Founder of BNE

My goal is that you, as a black nurse, will feel supported and motivated to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.

What Alvionna has put together is nothing short of amazing. She created and put together this platform to bring entrepreneurs, nurses and future entrepreneurs together and show you it’s possible! Sometimes when you don’t see others that look like you doing something you aspire to do you tell yourself it’s not possible when you run into adversity and even question your purpose. It’s important to see others winning and encourage them on their journeys. We all have talents and solutions that someone in the world needs and deserves to have so keep going! We Got this BNE

Danielle Bryant